We do not submit our projects for awards. However, we are extermely
proud of the honors and awards that have recognized our work (partial
Santa Fe Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
2002 Merit Award
UNM Law School
Frederick M. Hart Addition, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Santa Fe Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
2002 Honorable Mention
Agua Fria Elementary School Addition, Santa Fe, New Mexico
New Mexico Building Branch, Associated General Contractors and New Mexico Business Journal
2003 Best Building Award
UNM Law School
Frederick M. Hart Addition, Albuquerque, New Mexico
New Mexico Building Branch, Associated General Contractors and New Mexico Business Journal
2004 Best Building Award
Bishops Lodge Resort
Cottonwood Lodge, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Condé Nast Johansens
2003 Most Outstanding Spa in North America
Bishops Lodge Resort
ShaNah Spa and Wellness Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico
American Institute of Architects,
Honor Award,
Mt. Airy Public Library, Mt. Airy, North Carolina
American Solar Energy Society,
1996 Pioneer Award,
Edward Mazria
Albuquerque Business Journal,
1997 Best Building Award (2 awards),
Rio Grande Conservatory,
Albuquereue Biological Park
American Institute of Architects, Santa Fe Chapter,
1996 Design Innovation Award,
Edward Mazria
The Albuquerque Conservation Association (TACA),
Landmark Designation Award,
Rio Grande Conservatory, Albuquereue Biological Park, Albuquerque,
New Mexico
American Planning Association,
1999 Outstanding Planning Award,
Tierra Contenta, Santa Fe, New Mexico
American Solar Energy Society,
Design Award,
Stockebrand Residence, Albuquerque, New Mexico
and Woods Residence, Wintergreen, Virginia.
Western Region Association of General Contractors,
Best Building Design Award,
Genoveva Chavez Community Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Department of Energy,
Institutional Building Design Award,
Mt. Airy Public Library, Mt. Airy, North Carolina
Albuquerque Business Journal,
2000 Best Building Award,
(Grand Award and Best Building Award),
Genoveva Chavez Community Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico